Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Aaron Parsons
    Born: 14 FEB 1737 in Wilbraham, MA (1)
Married: 02 OCT 1760
Died: 20 FEB 1799 (2)
Father: Aaron Parsons
Mother: Mercy Atkinson
    Wife: Eunice Warriner
Father: Benjamin Warriner
Mother: >>>
01   (M): Rufus Parsons
Born: 17 MAR 1767 in Springfield, MA (4)
Died: OCT 1835 in Ellington, CT (5)  "A grandson writes: 'I remember my grandfather Parsons as being a very fine man, but very unfortunate, being lame for a great many years before he died. He had to use crutches from the effects of a white swelling and at last it was the cause of his death, for he was going to visit his sone Adna, then living in Coventry, and driving a horse and wagon all along, and feeling chilly, as was supposed, he arose to put on an overcoat, and losing his balance fell and broke his neck.'"
Spouses: Nancy (Grinman) Lewis

Additional Information

Aaron Parsons:
Milit-Beg: 24 APR 1775 3
Enlisted "for three months service in capt. Gideon Burt's Co."

Eunice Warriner:
Name: Eunice Parsons


  1. Henry Parsons, A. M., Parsons family: descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons, Springfield 1636 - Northampton, 1655 (Frank Allaben Genealogical Company, New York, 1912).
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009