Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Peter Larue
Married: 1710 (3 4)  Elizabeth Cresson is the daughter of Peter's stepmother Olive/Alche by her first marriage to Joshua Cresson.
Father: Abraham Larue
Mother: Maria Magdelaine Uzille
    Wife: Elizabeth Cresson

Additional Information

Peter Larue:
Baptised: 05 MAR 1688, Dutch Reformed Church, Kingston, NY 1
Will: 07 MAY 1783, Frederick, VA
Residence: 2
In 1738 he is thought to have removed from Hopewell Twp. into Makefield Twp. Bucks Co., PA where he remained until 1749. At that time he sold his land and followed his sons to the state of Virginia.

Elizabeth Cresson:
Name: Elizabeth Larue


  1. Mather, Otis M., Six Generations of LaRues and Allied Families (Hodgenville, KY, 1921).
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Larew, Karl G., Garret Larew Civil War Soldier (Gateway Press, Baltimore, 1975).

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009