Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Lion Gardiner (1)
    Born: 1599 in England (2)
Married: (14)
Died: 1663 (3)
    Wife: Mary Willemson (7)
    Born: in Worden, Holland (9)
Died: Unknown (10)
01   (M): David Gardiner Esq. (11)
Born: 29 APR 1636 in Mouth of the Conneccticut River, Saybrook (12)
Died: 10 JUL 1689 in Hartford, CT (13)  Had been traveling on business and died very suddenly.
Spouses: Mary Lerringman

Additional Information

Lion Gardiner:
Buried: Easthampton 4
South End Burying Ground on the east side of the village green at James Lane and Main Stree

"On a sunny knoll in the old burial ground of Easthampton, amid blue0eyed grass and cinquefoil, risee the granite tomb of the first English planter within the limits of the present State of NY. On the slab beneath the roof whose pediments bear the escutcheon of his family, lies in helmet, curiass, and greaves, the effigy of Lion Gardiner. On the plinth is inscribed, on the four sides, a brief summary of his life: An officer of ye English army and an Enginery of ye Master of Workes Fortification of ye Leaguers of ye Prince of Orange in ye Low Countries. In 1636 he came to New England. In service of a company of Lords and Gentlemen he build'd and command'd Say Brook Forte. After completed his terms of service he moved in 1639 to his Island of which he was sole owner. Born 1599 he died in this towne in 1663."
Occupation: Engineer in the service of the Prince of Orange in the Netherlands. 5
Immigration: 28 NOV 1635 6
On Aug 11, 1635, with his wife and a single female servent, Elizabeth Colet, and eleven other male passengers, he embarked at London in a small vessel, the Bachilor, of only 25 tons burthen, and reached Boston.
Occupation: Built and commanded the fort at Saybrook during th ePequot War. Moved to Gardiner's Island, which he owned, between 1638 and 1641. Lived at Saybrook for 4 years.

Mary Willemson:
Name: Mary Gardiner 8


  1., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  2. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  3. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  4. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  5. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  6. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  7. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  8. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  9. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  10. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  11. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  12. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  13. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  14. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.

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Revised: January 29, 2009