Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Henry Reamer
    Born: 1764
Married: 07 FEB 1791 in Cummington, MA (10)
Died: 1843
    Wife: Sarah Cook (2)
    Born: 20 JUL 1771 in Douglas, MA (3)
Died: 19 DEC 1861 in Berne, Albany, NY (4)
Father: Andrew Cook
Mother: Ruth Bigelow
01   (F): Ruth Reamer (6 7)
Born: 14 NOV 1810 in Berne, Albany, NY (8)
Died: 29 MAY 1892 in Savannah, NY (9)
Spouses: Sylvester Secor

Additional Information

Henry Reamer:
Buried: Lake Rural Cemetery, Berne, Albany, NY 1
Aunt Susie has photo of tombstone.

Sarah Cook:
Name: Sarah Reamer
Lived with son Andrew Reamer durin gthe 1850 and 1860 censuses. The 1860 census shows other Reamers (Catherine 45, Hiram 20 and Lorena 12) living with them as "idiotic."
Buried: Lake Rural Cemetery, Berne, Albany, NY 5
Aunt Susie's files have photo of tombstone.


  1. Susan Secor's Files.
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid., Also verified by Kathleen Reamer Durham from Town of Doublas, MA birth re.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid., See photos with Henry's data.
  6. Census, 1850 Census.
  7. Susan Secor's Files.
  8. Ibid., Age on tombstone, death certificate.
  9. Office of the County Historian, Wayne Co, NY, Butler-Savannah Cemetery (
  10. Susan Secor's Files, from Vitals of Cummington Mass, correspondence with Kathleen Turner.

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009